(welcome "Welcome to Streamer 2.09\n " "The MPEG and RealAudio Internet player")
(set #copyprefs 1)
;Figure out which CPU version to install
(set #mycpu (database "cpu"))
(set #myfpu (database "fpu"))
(if (patmatch "68000|68010" #mycpu)(exit "You need a 68020 CPU"))
(if (AND (= "68020" #mycpu)
(= #myfpu "NOFPU"))
(set #cpuchoice 0))
(if (AND (= "68030" #mycpu)
(= #myfpu "NOFPU"))
(set #cpuchoice 0))
(if (AND(= "68020" #mycpu)
(= "68881" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 1))
(if (AND(= "68020" #mycpu)
(= "68882" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 1))
(if (AND(= "68030" #mycpu)
(= "68881" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 1))
(if (AND(= "68030" #mycpu)
(= "68882" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 1))
(if (AND (= "68040" #mycpu)
(= "68881" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 2))
(if (AND (= "68040" #mycpu)
(= "68882" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 2))
(if (AND (= "68040" #mycpu)
(= "FPU40" #myfpu))
(set #cpuchoice 2))
(if (AND(= "68040" #mycpu)
(= #myfpu "NOFPU"))
(set #cpuchoice 0))
(if (AND(= "68060" #mycpu)
(= #myfpu "NOFPU"))
(set #cpuchoice 0))
;get languages from locale, set the default
(if (= @language "english")(set #defaultlang 1))
(if (= @language "deutsch")(set #defaultlang 2))
(if (= @language "türkçe")(set #defaultlang 3))
(if (= @language "polski")(set #defaultlang 4))
; Ask stuff
(set #prog (askchoice (prompt "Which CPU version do you want to install?")
(help "Choose the version closest to the CPU that you have.\nMake sure to choose the FPU version, if your Amiga is equipped with a Floating Point Unit! ")
(choices "68020" "68020 + FPU" "68040 + FPU")
(default #cpuchoice)))
(set #langs (askoptions (prompt "Which languages do you want to install?\n" "(English is Built-in)")
(help " ")
(choices "English" "Deutsch" "Türkçe" "Polski")
(default #defaultlang)))
(set #progdest (askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to install the Streamer executable?")
(help " ")
(default "c:")
(set #docdest (askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to install the Streamer documentation?\nA drawer called 'Streamer2-docs' will be created")
(help " ")
(default "HELP:english")
(if (=(exists "ENVARC:streamerprefs.xml") 1)
(set #copyprefs (askbool (prompt "Do you want to overwrite Streamer's preferences?") (help "If you choose to overwrite, you will lose your current settings."))))
(prompt "Do you want to configure Aweb to use Streamer2?\nThis will start Aweb, configure it, and close it again.")
(help "Configuring Aweb\n\nThis option will set Aweb's MIME types so that MPEG and RealAudio streams will automatically get played by Streamer")
;Begin configuring Aweb (or not!)
(if (= #confaweb 1)(set #Awebprog (askfile
(prompt "Please choose the Aweb executable")
(help "Choose the Aweb executable \n\n Pick the porgram file that launches the Aweb web browser. Installer will launch the browser so it can use its' Arexx interface to add the MIME type configuration.")